Monday 17 December 2012

Magazine Product - Magazine Layout - Illustrations Week.

 I used a texture paper from google images that I thought would be appealing to the audience. I then went onto thinking about my text. At first I wanted to have a different way of presenting my title so it wasn't like anyone else's. As I was putting in my text and my images, I could see that it would be difficult to place everything together. I decided that this wouldn't work and I wanted to change around and make it much more easier to place everything around.
I then went onto and looked around for an interesting fonts to be more visually eye catching. For my title I chose 'Stripe Fun' and for my text i chose 'Apple Cider Daydreams'.
I downloaded them both and installed them into illustrator. I copied in my analysis that I have previously done to be my text for my layout and started to piece it all together. 

I am very happy with my final layout and I think it's clearly laid out and is easy to read. The images have been relevantly put in to the text. 

Magazine Product - Layout Analysis

Magazine Project - Advert Analysis

The use of colours relate to each other; brown, orange and white.
the bubble illustrations making it quite light and fresh
caption 'Full Of Beans' - promoting energy
text underlay- different types of coffee - softly in the background

Magazine Project - Final Advert

tarmac texture
paint splatter - google - comiquita sans

Magazine Project - Initial Ideas x3

Here are my ideas for my advert. I have decided that I wanted to advertise converses. I wanted to advertise the variety of colours which is why I came up with the paint dripping effect. Each drip could be a different colour and give it a young youthful feeling with the use of colour. I want my target audience to be teenagers.  

Thursday 13 December 2012

Magazines Project - Moodboard


Magazine Project - Indepth Analysis - Andrea Bricco & Henrik Bonnever

Andrea Bricco
Andrea Bricco
Andrea Bricco

Henrick Bonnevier

Henrick Bonnevier

Andrea Bricco:

From research, it shows that Bricco family have a restaurant, showing the inspiration with food. She grew up in Wisconsin USA.She's been used in many magazines and cook books with advertisment in the food industry.

Alot of her work is around food, playing around the composition to create other objects.

The objects and been designed with a variation of food objects and food illustrations. I think the illustrations are there to clarify what the object is meant to represent. Also with focus of lighting with the shadow coming from above to enhance the image.
When you look at these images it introduces all your sense, touch, smell, taste etc. Therefore, making it all the more exciting. As soon as you see the image it's visually attracting therefore enticing  you to look through more and understand the images more and find out what there about, why she made them and how.
I this work reminds me of Natsko Seki's work in a sense of the way they have both created a scene with images just Bricco had a set theme of food. I like the way also that Bricco has used illustrations, to make it easier to understand the images.

Henrick Bonnevier:
As you can see from the images the artist is in advertisement. He's been in vogue magazine.
He's overall theme is fashion working with bright bold colours to entice people to buy the products.
All his images are landscape. His works intention is make his objects look their best against other objects that compliment each other in order to persuade people to buy. He uses colour boldly to make the final product striking. The overall composition looks randomly designed with shows there was thought behind the design to make the bigger objects more visible. The colours are also limited, using only two colours three maximum. I like this artist work because it's so colourful, it's making it exciting and giving it an uplifting mood. But become too busy and overwhelming. It reminds me of the inside of a shop window. I would like to do work like this in the future.