Sunday 17 March 2013

Exam Unit - Independent Research - Raphael Vicenzi

This art work is produced by a man called Raphael Vicenzi. He's from Brussels in Belgium. It came across this artist on the College's blog and straight away I knew that I wanted to do something similar to this. I liked the different use of techniques of illustration, colour, ink, paint splatters, text and the collage effect.I also liked his composition of randomly illustrations that remind you of doodles. I think this work well with my illustration brief. I think by trying the same similar technique I can can improve my own skills, (combining handmade techniques and digital ones.) After looking at this artist work it was inspired me for my own with a free experimental attitude and looking forward to the end outcome.

Exam Unit - Mowgli Omari

Mowgli Omari is a 21 year old University student who is currently residing in South East London.

This collage is of two images put together where one has been put on top which has been cut into to make a form of a shape and then the two images placed together then create a collage. I think the process of making this image consisted of the artist drawing a shape on the back of the image using a pencil and ruler and then carefully cutting it out using a craft knife and a cutting board cutting out his shape. Then glue/stick the two images together.

 It looks like for this image the top one is colour and the one at the bottom is black and white. By doing this really brings out the contrast of the two and makes the collage more effective. By using the straight diagonal lines makes the image more visually interesting. It also the image movement. Through the space gives it a illusion effect and distortion where we can't really make out what he image is. I think this can be a really good thing as by not instantly seeing what the image is, you would spend more time looking at it and therefore would thinking about it more and could decide whether you liked it or not.

I would say this genre of work would come under abstract but also I think photography. This image looks like two people are running away from something. It also looks like it could be quite a poor area from the background what you can make out of it. I think that maybe these people could have been in trouble, could have committed a crime or they could be victims themselves. The distortion of the image could be symbolic to the subject, we are confused about whats happening and the models could be confused.

This piece definitely evokes visual senses. I found it quite exciting and didn't know where to look. I like this when looking at art. First word that comes to my head was lines and shapes. It was very straight and sharp. It reminded me of a technique I have previously used - photo weaving. This has similar technique of cutting out patterns and lines but rather sticking your images together you weave them together.I like this image as I find it interesting. It also draws to me again as it is a handmade technique. I like the designed lines and shape and the outcome of it. I also enjoyed trying to make out what the image was. 

Friday 1 March 2013

Exam Unit- Illustrations - Andy Warhol

Original collage scanned in
Original collage scanned in
Edited in Photoshop, enhancement of colours

Combination of the two images together, lowered the opacity  of one layer
Edited in photo shop and enhanced the colours and also used the posterize effect
These experiments were inspired by an artist called Andy Warhol. The experiment consists of taking an image of yourself and putting it into photo shop. When you have done this you need to take the saturation out of your image to make it black and white. You then turn the contrast up. After you have done this, you then need to go into Image > Adjustments > Threshold. When you have this effect you print onto tracing paper. On another piece of paper create a simple collage using different materials and colours such as different types of papers. Place your tracing paper over your collage and start to draw into your tracing paper.

I really enjoyed this experiment as I thought you could be very free with it and exciting to not know what the outcome was going to look like. I much rather prefer handmade experiments to digital anyway. I though with these experiments I could put them into Photoshop and see if I could enhance them even more which I did  and I'm very impressed with the outcome. This experiment has inspired me to use the same layering technique again and maybe incorporate this into my exam outcome.