Thursday 9 May 2013

Exam Unit - Indepth Analysis - Andy Warhol

This piece of art work is from an artist called Andy Warhol . Andy Warhol was born August 6, 1928 and died February 22, 1987. He was an american artist who was known for his pop art. He studied at the University of Pittsburgh in the education of art. This is art abstract illustration effect. I have chosen to analyse this piece because I haven look at Warhol's style before and made similar work and now want to progress this further so have decided to research him..
This piece of work I have chosen is of a women, the red background behind her emphasising her face central to the image. I think that the red could be representing the women as sexy and feminine.
This image was originally a photograph that has been edited in Photoshop with the Threshold effect, then the colours have also been put in to place. The colours used are very limited but bright and bold in your face which makes it visually exciting to look at. I think that the lines in the piece are very important. The wrist had used the lines along with the colour to crate this pop art effect. I really like the way colour overlap the strong black like on top of them.
I chosen to look at this work because I have made work inspired by this artist. I really enjoying looking at this person work and decided to research them in order to develop my knowledge further. When i first saw his work I thought of different characters, alter ego's. celebrities, people that are constantly put in front of us. I really like this work as I enjoyed looking at the photography and the way the colour really enhance this more. This work has inspired me to be bigger and bolder, Using brighter colour to get you work notice and really brings out the photograph even more.

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