Thursday 9 May 2013

Exam Unit- Exam Review

My three initial ideas were to create a collage drawing and illustration onto of them then made into zines, this was inspired by michelle thompson, as I really liked her idea. My second idea was doing illustrations with waiter colour and finer liner like raphael vicenzi, I really liked this abstract effect and the why his image are put together and the outcome look sketchy. My last idea was to create my zine like an exquisite corpse. This way I could use my own primary photographs and sample them in the work. To create my zine I want varied material such different textural papers; coloured card, tracing paper, graph paper and brown paper. Then using different materials such as magazine cut outs, photographs and water colours to create my illustrations. I have tried to explore a range of different techniques such as masking fluid, complex collage making, creating and practicing different zines. I wanted to widen my range of techniques before the exam so I could perform my best techniques on the day. I also tried to refine and develop my experiments by scanning them into Photoshop and manipulating the colours around. Flattening the image on the photocopier and then inverting it making it get a 'negative effect'. I also went back to old experiments, such as ''Andy Warhol '' and added onto them, playing around with scale, changing around the materials, trying to make it much more visually interesting. Throughout my sketchbook, I have detailed annotations along side each experiment, giving brief description of he artist used. I've found that by doing this and going into more research into the artist made me really interested in the artist work and made me want to do more work like them. It has also helped me find future technique that I wanted to create. I think my Andy Warhol experiments have been the best as I felt that they came out the best. I would like to do more of these in the future. The experiment that has been he least successful would probably be the exquisite corpse one as it didn't interest me that much, I didn't really understand it and didn't particularly like the outcome. For my final outcome I will be choosing Andy Warhol inspired experiment as I think these have worked the best and would really well as a zine. To develop this idea more I could try layering up the images, choosing different scales, turn them different ways, changing around the idea in order to improve the original ones. 

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