Thursday 4 October 2012

Typography experiments: Digital vs. Handmade

example of debbie smyth's work 


Debbie Smyth work has been created by hand with pins and thread of different colours and then been photographed in Photoshop.I really like Smyth's work as it has a sense of movements and flowing with the lines
Inspired by the work of Debbie Smyth using material such as pins, wool and foam board. First of all you made out your letter with your pins, after that you the went around you're pins however you wanted to and made a design. I particularly liked this effect as you could be free with it and build upon the layers of wool continuously going over and over.

I preferred doing this handmade technique as you have more control over the end result. To improve each piece i could experiment with different colours and create more letters, even a word or a phrase.

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