Friday 28 September 2012

Kinectic Typography

An example of Heebok Lee's work

For today's lesson we look at a typography artist called Heebok Lee who is a title sequence designer. In this case we looked one his video called sky words.

We discussed how he created the texts and the different effects such as fade in and out and text zooming in and out. I was then inspired to create my own stills similar to Lee's work using Illustrator.

I create these text on illustrator by using the character, type and transparency pallet.
TEXT = Gill Sans>regular>size260>arrange your size>effect>blur>guassain blur>15.

BUT SURE THE SKY IS BIG = Georgia regular>size36>type text>rewrite last word>increase size>effect>warp>bulge.
SOMEHOW STOP = adjust text>effect>blur>radial blur>zoom selected>best>27>47>ok.

BIG = type text>distort and transform>pucker and bloat>15>ok.

From this tutorial, i enjoyed experimenting with the different effects but found it difficult to adjust as i'm used to working with Photoshop. In the future I am going to have to practice in order to improve my Illustrator skills. 

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