Sunday 23 September 2012

Watercolour Typography

example of artist work

The hand water colour based work was inspired by an Japanese artist called Natsuki Otani, who draws out her letters in pencil, to then go on and fill the colour in water. Once that is done you drip on the water colour in the selected places you want it to be and the more colours you put on the more blending effect you have. After it has been left to dry, you rub out the pencil lines you made earlier. My pencil lines didn't come off very easily as i had painted over most of those so my pencil lines are still visible, if i was to do this process again i would be more careful with my lines and the paint.

The second one is a water colour based image created on Photoshop. You use soft brush tools with pale colours, and download (optional) a textural text to give a water colour effect. The tools involved are magic wand tool, brush tool and the select tool; also working with your colours, opacity and flow. 

Overall, I think I prefer the hand water colour image as it gives a much more bold effect than the Photoshop one. It also looks more realistic. Also, doing this effect by hand you have less control on the end result therefore if something doesn't go to plan, but it gives an interesting effect. You wouldn't get that with Photoshop. Alternatively, using the Photoshop technique, if something goes wrong you can just undo it where as with the hand technique you either work with it or it is ruined. 

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